Persian Flatbread (Lavash)


Make your own Lavash, which is a thin Persian flatbread traditionally cooked inside a tanoor (huge clay pot heated by charcoal or wood). With this easy recipe you can use a pan to bake the bread.


  • 250g flour

  • 100 ml warm water

  • 5 tbsp yoghurt

  • 1 tsp yeast

  • 1 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  1. Mix flour, yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl.

  2. Make space in the middle and add yoghurt, olive oil and a bit of water.

  3. Start mixing with a wooden spoon and slowly add the remaining water until dough comes together to a sticky mixture. Dust your hands with some flour and knead the dough for a couple minutes until you get an even mixture. Form dough into a ball.

  4. Cover the bowl with a wet towel and set aside for 1 - 1 1/2 hours in a warm place.

  5. The dough should have doubled in size now. Punch it a few times to release the air inside.

  6. Dust your work surface with flour and knead dough for 30 seconds.

  7. Part dough into 6 small balls then roll out into 2mm thick rounds with a rolling pin.


8. Heat up a pan without using oil. Cook the flatbread until bubbles rise from the dough, flip it and continue doing so until a few spots have turned brown,

Nooshe Jan! ((means enjoy in Farsi)


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